Open Mouth, Insert...

Re! Design!

I couldn't help myself. I really couldn't.

Earlier this week, I was working on a sepia-toned design to add to my list of BlogSkins templates, but was hitting a wall and couldn't put together anything that interested me. So, a couple of days ago I added some dark red to the mix. Bam! Next thing I know this design came together. I was going to call it OMI Rounded after the rounded corners and send it into the wild today. But, the more I played with it, the more I liked it and the more I wanted to keep it.

So I kept it. I even retailored the archive page for it, with a section on memorable posts. What constitutes memorable, you ask? Beats me. The one post I have listed there wasn't memorable for the post itself, but...well, you're going to have to read it for yourself.

And what of the previous design (called OMI Ripped in my files)? I'll probably be cleaning up its code and releasing it into the wild. It was the design here for only a month and a half, but it's a solid if unspectacular design--not to mention my first good 3-column layout--and it deserves to be used somewhere.

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