Open Mouth, Insert...


City of Heroes is a horribly addictive game.

How do you ask? Here's a case in point: a friend of mine set up a loaner computer for me to take home and play, after dealing with network issues (I discovered that the loaner box didn't like my DSL modem, and I had to get some additional parts—keyboard, cables for an old 14" monitor I had lying in the closet, that sort of thing—to build a makeshift network) I sat down and started to play yesterday.

Fourteen hours later, my body told me to shut down.

I swear, I need an alarm clock or something...

4 comment(s):

Anonymous Anonymous said:
i am all alone now ... it's sorta twilight zone-like.

commented 3:59 PM, June 23, 2004
I would be thinking more along the lines of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers". You could do that Fred MacMurray (I think it was him) thing, running through the streets wildly exclaiming "You could be next!"

Or you could get sucked in.

commented 4:57 PM, June 23, 2004
Anonymous Anonymous said:
Kevin McCarthy. :)
commented 11:23 PM, June 23, 2004
Anonymous Anonymous said:
"Or you could get sucked in."

um, no. i can't. muse would kill me because he wouldn't be able to drive me crazy. besides, it is still lacking the ability to put the boys in school girl outfits. :)

and i was thinking it'd be more like the episode in the 1980s twilight zone where the lady had the watch that stopped time and she stopped everything just as the russian missles were about to nuke the hell out of america. i dunno why ...

commented 9:01 AM, June 24, 2004