Open Mouth, Insert...

Food, Glorious Food

For someone who has a pressing need to lose around 50 pounds, it's amazing that sometimes I can simply forget to eat. Today was one such occasion. I had woken up late and had to get to work by 1 o'clock, so I hastily got myself showered and together and out the door without even once thinking about food. I got to work in one piece, started the work day smoothly and was humming along until about 3 o'clock, when I IMed one of the friends I had earned from NaNoWriMo. She was bummed out because her New Year's plans were turning to ash; her boyfriend would be out of town during the New Year and she discovered that she wasn't invited to a party to which she thought she had been invited. I felt bad for her, especially as I understand all too well how work can ravage even the best-laid holiday plans, but every time I tried to think of something to say (or type, as the case may be) my brain caked up, and I had to drag up responses through mile upon figurative mile of cobwebbed synapses. This dragged on for about five minutes while I tried to figure out why I was so muddled, when I finally realized that I hadn't eaten anything for close to twenty hours! So I abruptly signed off from the conversation and snuck out of work to pick up something from the gas station nearby. It wasn't much--a PBJ, some chips and a soda--but it did the trick. I do feel like I could use a nap, but that's likely from the all the sleep I didn't get during the week. I hope my friend isn't too mad at me for skipping out of the conversation so abruptly. She had logged off by the time I had finished eating...

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