Open Mouth, Insert...

The Tap Runs Dry

Well, the inevitable finally happened over the weekend: my place at work has finally switched over from the old company's (and current customer's) network to the new company's network. This means that I will have no Internet access from my workstation. So no reading up on the webcomics I read, checking on the Twins and chuckling at what Batgirl has to say about them, no checking my email, no updating this blog, none of that until after work.

I'm sure that my productivity at work will now skyrocket from pure boredom...

2 comment(s):

Anonymous Anonymous said:
I am sorry to hear that. If you figure out the trick of doing more work out of boredom, let me know. I have a tendency to just start daydreaming.

commented 11:02 AM, August 25, 2004
Blogger hey OK said:
just wanted to say i love your blogs. i am using one of yours now. see it at

oh yeah i just put the template in place so it's not completely finished yet.
commented 7:10 PM, September 03, 2004