Open Mouth, Insert...

Going Nuts

Okay, I'm going nuts with the whole design meme. As you can probably tell, I've once again updated the design for the main page. I'm not done, either; I'm thinking of putting a pic of the month spot on the main page (which will necessitate a pic of the month archive, but that's another project). Given the rate in which I take pictures, a POTM should be just about right. The only issue here is where to put it. On the bright side, I like this design; it's more complex than the previous design, but it keeps the basic color scheme straight. Maybe I'll keep it for a while before getting bored with it. What is it with me and tweaking this blog's design at the drop of a hat? On a different note altogether, I spent another Christmas with my parents, and this year I received a new driver from my dad. Even though I have yet to use it, I like it already. The club seems to weigh about half of what my normal (I'm trying hard not to say old) driver does, despite the fact that the new one's head is about twice the size. There's no way I'm going to be missing golf balls with this thing! Getting them to go where I want is a different matter entirely. Also, the club was a good tool with which to threaten the inevitable battery-powered, dancing-and-singing stuffed (insert pertinent holiday here) thing my mom would get; this year it was a rubber snowman. It didn't deter anyone from turning it on and driving me mad, however. Maybe next year...

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